What To Do If Your Car Door is Frozen Shut
- Category: Health & Wellness
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- Written By: Baton Rouge General
Let’s face it, we just aren’t used to these types of snow events in South Louisiana! Now that the snow has stopped and we try to get back to business as usual, you may find that your car door is frozen shut. Here are some important reminders.
When attempting to open a car door that is frozen shut:
- Use gentle pressure to gently push on the door to try and break the ice.
- Try another door to see if one is less frozen and easier to open.
- Use a de-icer fluid around the door frame and door handle. But let’s be honest, Louisianians don’t carry that around!
- Lukewarm (not hot) water can be poured around the door frame to help melt the ice.
- Ice may have formed in or around the locking mechanism. You can heat your car key with a lighter and slowly try to work it into the lock. Be careful not to heat the car remote!
It’s important to remember:
- Never use hot water! Such an extreme temperature change can crack car windows.
- Once you get the door open, dry the inside of the car door and seals to prevent re-freezing.