How to Stay Healthy at Home
- Category: Coronavirus, Health & Wellness
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- Written By: Baton Rouge General
Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve all experienced drastic changes in our routines and our eating habits are, naturally, being affected. One thing that hasn’t changed is the importance of a healthy diet in supporting your immune system. As we all adjust to our new schedule, keeping a few quick tips in mind can help you stay healthy.
- As always, drink mostly water and keep the sugary beverages out of your house.
- Consistently eating fruits and vegetables is one of the most important things you can do for your health. You can’t beat their high vitamin, mineral, antioxidant and fiber content. Normally it’s preferred to use fresh or frozen produce but in this case, canned is better than none at all. When selecting canned fruits and vegetables, check the ingredients for sugars and preservatives. The shorter the ingredient list the better. Freeze dried fruits are also a great snacking option.
- Include healthy fat and protein at each meal to balance your blood sugar and keep you full in between meals, so you’ll have fewer cravings. If meat is less readily available at your local grocery stores, consider using a protein powder to add to smoothies. You can also use protein bars like Quest bars or RX bars as a breakfast option or a snack. You can use canned chicken breast to make chicken salad or canned salmon.
- Don’t skip meals. Skipping meals can potentially lead to binging later.
- If your kids are not excited about healthy eating, get them involved in the kitchen. Kids are more eager to consume foods they’ve helped to prepare themselves. Look through Pinterest together and create a board of recipes you want to try together as a family.
- Be sure to plan out some meals for the week and make a grocery list so you don’t have to make an unnecessary trip back to get something you forgot.
- Consider using a grocery delivery services like “Shipt” which allows you to have groceries delivered to your door.
- If you have to go out, minimize trips to the grocery store and practice social distancing by standing 6 feet apart from others.
- COVID has been shown to survive on hard surfaces like steel or plastic, so it is wise to bring a disinfectant wipe to wipe the buggy handle with prior to using and avoid touching your face while in the store. When you return home be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water for 20 seconds.
- With gyms closed, it’s tempting to spend all day lounging on the couch binging on Netflix and potato chips, but maybe this is your opportunity to discover some new workouts you enjoy.
- Try a family game of tag, walks or bike rides around your neighborhood, get involved in a workout challenge through social media, or even utilize free home workouts on You Tube.
- Moving more will help to decrease stress, support metabolism, and even support your mood and energy levels.
If you are really struggling to make healthy eating choices and need some assistance, reach out.
Our dietitians here at Baton Rouge General are offering tele-visits that can be done in the convenience of your home.
If you need support with stress eating, meal prepping, or creating healthy meal and snack ideas for your family we are here to help.
You can call our office at 225-819-1175 to get set up with an appointment.

Kristen West
Registered Dietitian
Baton Rouge General Health & Wellness Center