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Support Groups & Other Resources

Support groups and resources are important for patients, caregivers and family members alike. Here are just some of the resources available in the Baton Rouge area:

American Cancer Society

Click here for cancer resources throughout Louisiana, including wigs, hotel and lodging for you and your loved ones, prosthetics and more.

Baton Rouge General Health & Wellness Center

Baton Rouge General's Health & Wellness Center provides healthy living programs for those who want to live life to the fullest. We believe that people want to feel strong and fit, and lead happy healthy lives. Our team can provide you with the tools to change your lifestyle and achieve optimum lifelong health. Click here to learn more.

Breast Cancer Support Group

The Breast Cancer Support Group meetings provide a space where patients can share their stories, seek emotional support, find answers to their questions from clinical experts, and connect with a community who shares their challenges. Led by a Mary Bird Perkins licensed social worker. To learn more, click here.

Cancer Association of Greater New Orleans (CAGNO)

CAGNO offers counseling, support and discounts to patients undergoing cancer treatment in southeastern Louisiana. To learn more, call (504) 733-5539.

Cancer Services

Cancer Services provides the tangible needs of people living with cancer in Greater Baton Rouge. Over the years, the agency’s scope has evolved to empower cancer patients and their families by helping to meet the financial, physical and emotional needs that arise during the cancer journey. Click here to learn more.

Healthy Steps Lebed Exercise Program

The Healthy Steps Lebed Exercise Program is a fun and therapeutic exercise that boost the immune designed for all cancer survivors that promotes healing through dance and movement. Click here to learn more and register.

Look Good, Feel Better

Look Good Feel Better is a free two-hour workshop for women undergoing cancer treatment. This program helps improve the self-image, appearance, and quality of life of patients by teaching beauty techniques to help cope with the temporary appearance-related side effects of cancer treatment. This program is made possible through a collaboration of the Look Good Feel Better Foundation of the Personal Care Products Council and the Professional Beauty Association/National Cosmetology Association. To learn more, call (225) 237-1600.

Lymphedema Support Group

A support group focused on providing education, emotional support and the opportunity to network with others diagnosed with edema/swelling due to primary or secondary lymphedema. For additional information, please call (225) 763-4050 or click here to register.

Ostomy Support Group

A support group designed to help patients and their families cope with colostomies, ileostomies, urostomies and continent diversions. For more information or to register, please call the American Cancer Society at (225) 767-7197.

Prostate Support Group

This support group is for anyone who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and is designed to provide education and support to prostate cancer patients. Click here to learn more and register.

Susan G. Komen Baton Rouge

Click here to find cancer resources in Baton Rouge, including transportation, financial assistance, meals, support groups and more.

Know of other resources we can add to our list? Please contact us.

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